Friday 24 March 2017

Humour, thy name is Happiness

Humour is the quality of being amusing by trying to find something interesting in almost any situation. A good sense of Humour keeps a person lively, free from stress and thus is a great asset. When a person says to someone “I am warning you to not mess up with me as I know Karate, Kung Fu, Judo, Daimoku, Jutsu” etc. and similarly names 28 other dangerous words. The time when a person reads these words, one cannot imagine that ultimately that person is saying he only knows words and nothing else. This makes you smile and that is humour.
Life is short thus one should always smile.

When a person thinks that he needs glasses at his age and if wine glasses are shown in a picture in place of wearing glasses it makes that person smile.

To that extent, humour should give some surprise by either pun of words or in any other manner so that the surprise achieved is a pleasant one but without sarcasm.

Someone who is fond of vacation might say I need a 6 month vacation twice a year. Now, this is absurd but still it makes one smile.

It is said that humour is by far the most significant activity of the Human Brain. Never mistake a person’s silence for weakness. No one plans a murder out loud.

As said by Osho “If you find a saint who has no sense of humour then he is not a saint at all.” Humour is indeed a great asset.

There is another saying which goes as “A sense of Humour makes a man handsome and a girl beautiful.”

If one is serious and says. “A recent survey has found that one in three men is just as stupid as the other two.” Again, absurdity makes you smile.
The great leaders and the famous people throughout the world have also expressed humour in different ways.

Abraham Lincoln said “I destroy my enemy when I make him my friend”.

Albert Einstein said “Two things are infinite; the Universe and the Human stupidity and I am not so sure about the Universe.”

Author Francis Bacon said “There are two ways of spreading light: To be the Candle or the mirror that reflects it.”

He also said that “If a man will begin with certainties, he shall end in doubts; but if he will be content to begin with doubts he shall end in certainties.”

Sometimes there are just wise sayings and only expressed humorously.
Humour is also about right thing, and needs to be having right words at the right place.
It has to be well-timed too.

Someone said “Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently”.
It is said that “Common sense is like deodorant and the people who need it the most never use it”.

Whenever there is a surprise or if you are comparing two things which don’t justify the comparison it makes you smile and that is Humour.

“Forgive and forget; I am neither Jesus nor do I have Alzheimer’s disease.”

Humour is rightly called Mankind’s greatest blessing.

Charlie Chaplin once said “A day without laughter is a day wasted”.

When it comes to why humour should be used, Lincoln said “If you are in a situation wherein important and controversial ideas must be presented to less than open minds, humour allows those ideas to be presented in a non-threatening manner”.

Abraham Lincoln was famous for his ability to relate humorous stories. And so was Albert Einstein who said “A person who never makes a mistake, never tried anything new”.
Find humour in everything and you will live without worry and die without worry.

Thanks for reading.

Thursday 23 March 2017

Five Ways to Break 10 Bad Habits

Bad Habits 

Nearly everyone has a bad habit that they should break. Some people have less than others and some people’s bad habits are more grating than those of others.  Bad habits like excessive drinking, smoking, biting the fingernails, etc., starts slowly and gradually. They jeopardize your health — both physically and mentally thereby wasting your time and energy. 

Bad habits are hard to give up, they are like a comfortable bed, easy to get into, but hard to get out off.  However, you can achieve anything with the right amount of willpower and a realistic plan of action. With persistence and right mind-sets, it's possible to break your bad habits.    

Here are some ideas for breaking your bad habits

1.       Change one thing at a time
It is most important that you don’t try to break all your bad habits, at once. You’re not a superhuman and trying to quit all your bad habits at the same time is probably going to be hard to achieve. Instead, prioritize and choose the habit that you need to change most urgently and then focus on that accordingly.   

2.       Prepare for weak moments
A positive mindset is significant but if you’re not prepared for those weak moments this can be a biggest mistake. Try to remove temptations as that can help you prepare for those weak moments. For instance, clear the cupboards of junk food, keep some distance from friends who encourage you to smoke/ drink and avoid stressful situations.     
3.       Set regular reminders
Bad habits are often so deeply ingrained in us that sometimes they can catch us unexpectedly. To help prevent those accidental slip-ups, try setting yourself regular reminders to resist those bag habits.   

4.       Reward your success
The key to breaking bad habits is to make the process as rewarding and enjoyable, as possible. If you are facing difficulty focusing on the long-term benefits of breaking bad habits, then arrange small rewards for yourself as you go along to help keep you motivated. 

5.       Remind yourself why you’re breaking those habits
In order to successfully break a bad habit, you have to be sure of your reason for breaking those habits. Find a solid reason for breaking your habit that really means something to you – such as improving your health, relationship or appearance – and keep your goal in sight. This will help you to carry on and stay strong in moments of weakness. 

10 habits you must quit to be happy
When you quit doing the bad things, you make more room for the things that make you happy. Aristotle, a great philosopher once said, “we are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act, but a habit”. However, here are 10 habits that you need to give up in exchange for your happiness.  

  • Quit procrastinating on your goals
  • Quit talking down to yourself 
  • Quit blaming others and making excuses 
  • Quit trying to control the uncontrollable
  • Quit criticizing others
  • Quit trying to avoid change 
  • Quit running from your problems and fears
  • Quit trying to be someone you’re not
  • Quit living in another time and place
  • Quit being  ungrateful

Thanks for reading.

Saturday 18 March 2017

Four Simple Steps to Develop Good Habit

If habits are stepping stones, their choice should be the outcome of reality’s and targets’ cognitive approach. Acharya Rajneesh once proclaimed that “I am less interested in your chain-smoking but more interested in your habit. Any habit that becomes a force, a dominating force over you, is a great sin. One should therefore live more in freedom. One should be able to do things according to the situations but not according to the habits”. 

1.     Control Your Thoughts
If you don't learn to control your thoughts or opinions, you will never learn to control your behaviour and if you don’t learn to control your behaviour, you will never be able to build good habits. Habit creates the appearance of justice and progress has no bigger enemy than habit. 

2.     Change your thoughts & Actions
If you want to replace the bad habits with the good one, you have to change your actions, thoughts, habits and start doing small things differently every day. Habit change happens when you start with small things. Moreover, if you want to build courage, then simply act courageously. If you do something over and over again, you build a habit. Some people develop the habit of courage whereas some people develop the habit of non-courage. 

3.     Don’t Play a Victim
People who consider themselves as a victim will rarely produce positive result. Instead you must utilise the given opportunities and turn out the difficulties into a driving force to make yourself and the world better. Mind control is the result of self-discipline and habit. You either control your mind or the mind controls you. There is no half way compromise. 

4.     Be Practical
And at last, you realize that you can't force loyalty, consistency, or even honesty.  You can't force them to keep their word, or to communicate, or to realize something special is right in front of them. You can’t make someone to put up a fight for your heart or change his/her own ways. Take a step back and reflect if your relationship has turned into battlefield of harsh words, mixed emotions, and constant bickering, you must ask yourself whether it’s worth anymore.    

It is estimated that up to 90% of our daily activities are habits. If you want to improve your time management, then you need to improve your habits.  Never ever allow ‘waiting’ to become your habit. Be fearless, live your dreams and take risks. Life is happening now and if you wait you tend to lose time. You are not required to set yourself on fire to keep other people warm. Remember your first duty is to ‘Yourself’ but it doesn’t mean that you have to be selfish. But it is necessary to be strong, capable and competent so that you can help others too.   

The act of discovering who we are, will force us to accept that we can move further than we think. Success is nothing but a few simple disciplines, practiced every day, while failure is simply a few errors in judgment, repeated everyday. 

Always be yourself, respect yourself and have faith in yourself. Ensure to make plans and organize your discipline, thoughts, and devote attention to detail for creating something worthwhile but not for criticizing your own self. Karma comes after everyone eventually. You can't get away with screwing people throughout your whole life. Don't care about others identity, or what all the problems he/she undergoes around. Sooner or later the universe will serve you the revenge that you deserve.     
Motivation is what gets you started, and habit is what keeps you going. It’s quite important to keep moving. There is a powerful driving force inside every human being that once unleashed can make any dream, vision or desire a reality. 

Winning is habit. Unfortunately, so is losing. Either way it is all about your choice. So choose the right habits that enrich your lifestyle!!    

Thanks for reading.

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