Showing posts with label Indecision. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Indecision. Show all posts

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Remedy Four Causes of Indecision

About 500 years ago Shakespeare wrote the tragic play- ‘Hamlet’. His tragedy emanates from major personality flaw- indecision. Indeed, the drama exaggerates the flaw and the hero suffers a disaster. This malady is, however, more wide spread in the current scenario. The acute competition & the rat race of the present times have made fear of rejection more prominent than ever before. The gin of fear is causing tremendous stress to most people. Four steps are listed below that will help mitigating the fear which is main cause of indecision.

1.      Always remember that ‘left to themselves things go from bad to worse’. This you must have experienced in life. So the very memory will wake you up from the slumber and you will try to find a solution to the pending problem. Surely, you will need to take decision about the action you need to take- sooner than later. Get yourself motivated to ward off the indecision, thus.

2.      Whenever their some important project, you may write down the problem in detail. Now, think about the possible solutions. Then note down the pros and cons in respect of each. This will help you to decide easier and faster. But never fear about wrong decisions. Some decisions go wrong for everyone. The more you start taking decisions, you will find that incidence of wrong decisions will reduce.

3.      Your indecision could also be because of lack of adequate knowledge about the subject. Instead of worrying about what will happen if decision goes wrong, work hard to gain the required knowledge about the subject. The moment you know the subject well, you will find, it’s easier to decide. Fortunately, we have Google and other sites which instantaneously provide sufficient information on any subject.

4.      And if you are a habitual procrastinator, you must at once say to yourself that your habit has let you down on earlier accessions. You have suffered earlier. Therefore, you would not like to repeat your past mistakes. Procrastination is a disease. It needs to be eradicated from life. Whatever is necessary; you must do to cure the deadly disease.

There could be some more causes which each of us should identify fo himself/herself and then work on these. But indecision should not be allowed to hinder your progress.    

Thanks for reading.

Saturday, 2 May 2015

Enemies of Happiness- Indecision

1. Spend a few days noticing when the malady i.e. indecision bothers you? What types of things  trouble you? Are they small things or big things? How much time do you devote to make simple decisions?

2. one thing to focus on, something that you’re constantly struggle with (it could be what time to get up the morning, what to eat that day, what outfit to wear). Make sure it’s a small thing to start with. Bigger problems can be dealt when you are more experienced.

3. When you go to a restaurant do you take too much time to decide what to order?

4. When your boss asks you to work on a holiday, how much time you take to respond? Do you say instantaneously and then repent about it?

5. While driving in heavy traffic, do you feel that you that you have taken a wrong lane which moves very slowly?

6. Next time you find yourself struggling to choose on your chosen subject, remind yourself mentally “I am a decisive person and I will not waste my time and energy with this.”

7. For important tasks, you may even write down pros and cons. Then it’s easier to decide. But never feel bad about wrong decisions. Some decisions go wrong for everyone. The more you start taking decisions, you will find that incidence of wrong decisions will reduce.

8. Now – simply pick one option. Make a decision quickly and commit to it. It doesn’t matter if it’s the right decision or not – just do it.

9. Let it go. Refrain from laboring about whether you made the right choice or not and move on. Do something immediately that really does matter to you – and if possible something that will make a positive difference to your life or to the lives of others.

Thanks for reading.

Enemies of Happiness

In my last posting I had mention that as a 1st step we must identify enemies of our Happiness. These are broadly speaking of two types.

  1. Enemies of happiness residing within ourselves.
  2. Enemies outside. These could be people; this could be a tasks which you don’t like or environment.
In today’s posting I like to tell you about enemies of Happiness which are within are our own selves. I have listed eight. There could be more. Based on these 8 you can prepare your own list. Because Happiness is of prime importance to all of us, we must apply our mind deeply to correct the situation. Following is the list of enemies of Happiness residing in our own Body and Soul.

  1. Anger                              5. Fear
  2. Jealousy                         6. Indecision
  3. Attachment                     7. Hesitation
  4. Procrastination               8. Greed
Today I will talk about 1st four i.e. Anger, Fear, Jealousy and Indecision.

My personal experience and those of my students who have shared with me reaffirm that these four enemies are big Happiness Spoilers in our lives. In order to have appropriate benefit of our discussion, I suggest that you may mentally go through the pages of the book of your life. Then identify which were the moments when these four villains have spoiled your happy moments.

I received a mail from one of my readers to shorten my blog. I ‘ll talk to you further on this tomorrow.

Thanks for reading.

Importance of Time Management

The only asset that has been equally distributed to all human being is ‘Time’. Sadly its importance in life is not realized by everyone. But the people who utilize time fully are the ones who are leaders in their respective fields. In fact a good leader will have time for everything that is important to his enterprise.

The first step to utilize this fleeting asset is to understand time and how one uses it. The best way to do this is to have periodic time log. Time log will tell you specifically how you spend your time. It will also clearly show where you disburse time more than necessary and where you squeeze more activities due to paucity of leftover time.

Let’s take an example of the student giving an important exam. Often times we find the student who doesn’t score marks as per expectation is the one who is unable to make the best use of available time. He/she spends more time on some questions in the beginning. The later questions where adequate time is not available suffer and therefore bring lesser marks.

Likewise in life if we don’t prioritize and plan time; time does not give its full value. In fact a leader should divide his time for various groups of activities in the ratio as under.

Group A Routine Activities      15 %
Group B Activities concerning ongoing projects      25%
Group C Personal development, planning new projects and such enhancement activities                                                                          60%

Normally it is seen that routine activities takes 60%, ongoing project 25% and new developments only 15%. This is a serious flaw which the leader should correct by whatever it takes.

Some time ago I had read a novel named ‘Time must have a stop’. The characters suffer because time does not stop.

The lesson is learned but through a very hard way.

Procrastination and indecision are the two main culprits largely responsible for misuse of time. A leader obviously cannot afford to do this. Therefore he/she must be very decisive. Procrastination, word itself should not be available in his book. Prioritizing should be a matter of habit in all aspects of life be it work, home, hobby or social interactions.

Furthermore, everyone needs to empower himself/herself regarding management of time through training periodically.

 Modern time planners.

Thanks for reading.

Thursday, 30 April 2015

Lessons of Life from Shakespeare.

Any great literary writer is invariably a great teacher. Writer will not sermonize. Life of the current time (normally) is beautifully portrayed. Yet, one could draw great inferences and learn very useful lessons that help humans to live life better. I don’t claim to have read much of Shakespeare, but I am one of his great admirers.

Works of Shakespeare transcend the limits of time and space. He is as relevant today as he was in his time. He is as relevant in India as in England. I have picked up 4 of his tragedies. According to me these are eye openers for common people like us. The four plays I have chosen to talk about are: Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth and King Lear.

When we read these plays thoughtfully and contemplate, we are able to identify short comings of similar nature in our personalities. We may be quite surprised. How and why these did not receive our attention. We would like to remove these faults even though they may be in very small measure. The classified blemishes I am talking about are:

1. Suspicion, Jealousy (Othello)    

2. Greed that led to extinction (Macbeth)

3. Credulity Prone to flattery (Lear)    

4. Indecision that reaches tragic proportions (Hamlet)

As I said above reading these plays, we observe that all these weaknesses were foolishly repetitive in the tragic characters. We might find that similarly we too harbor some habits that make us do something which we don’t want, repetitively. It is here that we learn a lesson. One can purge one’s personality if so desire. Undoubtedly, the exercise will require a mentor or a guide.

Thanks for reading.

Life’s Lessons from Shakespeare.

Shakespeare was born in April 1564. Some people say he was born on 22nd April others opine 23rd April 1564. He died at the age of 52 years on 23rd April 1660 that means almost 400 years ago.

How is it that his popularity as a dramatist has not faded out? The reason is his philosophy, the wisdom that we find in his plays and the energizing wit and humor of his comedy.   In fact, these transcend the limits of time and space. He has dealt with human emotions – anger, ambition, jealousy, credulity, indecision etc: these habits are found in the people even today.

In this post I propose to discuss his wisdom as is evident from the 3 pieces I have picked from 3 different plays.


Hamlet was a victim of indecision. Indecision was the bane of his life. Unfortunately today also we find many of us suffer from indecision. In the process we undergoavoidable mental agony. I give below the oft quoted words of Hamlet.

To be, or not to be: that is the question: whether’ it’s nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them?

In sharp contrast are the following words taken from his play As You Like It.

As You Like It.

And this our life, exempt from public haunt, finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, sermons in stones, and good in everything.

These words, I find, are even more relevant today than were in his own time. ‘Exempt from Public Haunt’- we are in dire need of getting a break and going to the nature from our daily hectic life. And the best place is back to the nature. We have lots of resorts by the sea side, on the scenic mountains, and similar places where we are away from ‘Public Haunt’. As Shakespeare says we can speak to the trees enjoy running brooks/trees and find all the goodness of the world in nature.

Finally I have picked up a very significant point from the tragedy- Macbeth. :


When our actions do not, our fears do make us traitors.

The philosophy of this word is as true today as at any time. Often we do not want to act as Williams yet due to our fears we are motivated to indulge. In many other plays to I find Shakespeare’s massage to imbibe courage in ones personality, speaks louder than words.

Thank you for reading.

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