1. Simply said, the skills relate to your getting along with people around you. Since we are all individuals, so we think differently. This we must keep in mind all the time. We may present our point of view but if we try to impose on others we will never be excused. Such actions kill the possibility of developing good interpersonal skills.
2. In order that we respect others, we must listen to them carefully and
understand their perspective. It is only by understanding others that we
will know how to deal with them. Even when we are talking with juniors,
we cannot take them for granted. Everyone is conscious of their rights
of holding on to their opinions. So, in case we want to convince them we
may do so respecting their opinions and presenting politely our view
point. If you are able to establish the mutual benefit, everyone will
appreciate your moves. You will in the process improve your
interpersonal skills.
3. We all have some hidden assumptions. These assumptions do determine
our behavior. For example, if our views about a particular person are
negative, we will assume that he/she will never help us. Here the
negative assumption will act as a road block. Even if we had an unhappy
experience, we should approach people with an open mind. Always assume
positive intent and surely it will be helpful.
4. It is normal that the conflicts are likely to occur among people who
work together. The best way to build harmonious relationship is to
understand each of them, respect their personal views and beliefs and
resolve any conflict, sooner than later. Unresolved conflicts become
hurdles in developing and sustain good relations. One must remember that
a team can be victorious only if they work in harmony.
5. Language and speech play a very important role in the
development of your interpersonal skills. In case of inadequacy of
language you may end up communicating a message that may be considered
as offensive even when you don’t intend any offence. Your body language
is also of great consequence. Maintaining a positive body language and
cordiality in tone are extremely helpful. Time spent on mastery of the
language will never go unrewarded.
Thanks for reading.