The Bhagavad
Gita is the ultimate book of knowledge and is duly recognized as such
throughout the world. Its wisdom transcends the limits of time and space. I
publish daily one message from the book which can be related to our daily life
titled: Thought4TheDay
These are
widely read and highly appreciated by my connections on LinkedIn, friends on
Facebook and followers on twitter totally about 27000 people. As recommended by
some friends, I am posting the same here. You may ask questions and/or post
your comments which be appreciated. Hope you will find the initiative very
The dialogue
between the Lord Almighty, Krishna, and Arjuna sets an example of perfect
communication. Krishna tries to explain meaning of life, importance of
understanding one's duty and devotedly performing the same in simple language.
However, due to complexity of the subject, Arjuna is not able to grasp and
assimilate many things. In such situations, even knowing fully well that
Krishna is God Almighty, Arjuna questions the Ideas propounded by the Lord. He
does not accept everything without understanding, without talking about his
personal difficulties in respect of views, advice or direction.
Their frank
and free dialogue teaches us the importance of assertiveness. Assertiveness,
among other things, also means that never say 'yes' if you need or want to say
'no'. But we must know how to say 'no'. By and large people hesitate in doing
so. The result is that either they slog and suffer or they prove themselves to
be unreliable. Lack of ability to be assertive on the part of the employees and
unclear and poor communications cause immense loss to the organisations. At
home this inadequacy plays havoc in the family relationships.
Thought4The Day (08.10.2017)
Lord Krishna said, "I had imparted knowledge about the
traditional yoga to the sun Lord Surya. He had communicated the same to his son
Vivasvan Manu who in turn taught the same to his son Ikshvaku".
" In this manner
descending from the old traditions, this yoga became known to the kings and the
saints. But after that, for a long time, this yoga had gone to the oblivion and
vanished from the are my disciple, my devotee and my dear friend.
Therefore, I have explained the yoga (knowledge) to you."
Arjun asked the Lord how is it possible when He is born now,
whereas Surya was born ages ago. Then, Lord Krishna explains about the
repetitive births of the soul and that while He remembers, Arjuna does not, as
the later is an ordinary human being."
We observe
that Arjuna asks Lord the Almighty anything that he doesn't understand without
any hesitation. But, today, we commoners hesitate to ask questions to the Gurus
and our bosses even when we do not understand. This results in fallacious
knowledge and the consequent avoidable problems.
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this post with your friends for greater awareness, should you like it. Thanks.