Saturday, 14 October 2017

Traffic In Mumbai

One of the big problems today faced by metro cities like Delhi, Mumbai should be dealt with forthright. Else, it will be too late. Traffic and its wild growth constitutes one of the biggest problems for these cities primarily, though it is present in other major cities of the country as well. 

It’s is a big pain in peoples’ life today, especially for working population. People are always in a fear of getting stuck in traffic and not reaching the required place on time. Even in an emergency one is unable to reach at the right place just because of the traffic. 

Today, I am going to discuss the causes of traffic in Mumbai and possible solutions to this problem.
There are many causes for traffic like: 1- Lack of driving sense, 2- people breaking traffic rules/signals without fear, 3- unstructured roads for big vehicles, 4- Bribing, 5-Inefficient traffic Police 

Few People with good financial status are least bothered about the traffic rules or signals; they break rules and have no fear to face the traffic police as they have other solution to come out of it is  not so nice but it works, bribe.

Breaking traffic rules is not only the cause but the lack of driving sense among people is one more concern, especially rickshaw drivers. People with two wheelers are always in a hurry to reach location their location as if they are the only ones who are most time conscious.
Unstructured roads, where even big vehicles are also allowed, create a mess on the road. Even when the traffic can be manageable; it gets worse because of our not so efficient police. They are rarely available whenever needed most.

Traffic leads to one more problem which is really dangerous to our health is the Pollution. The fumes and the dangerous gasses are playing havoc with the heath of people, especially children and frail adults.

However, there are a few causes which can be under our control. 

Today in Mumbai, more than 76 Lakhs people travel by local trains every day. We can hardly imagine the condition of Mumbai and traffic if local trains would have not been the lifeline of Mumbai.

As Mumbai is having a good advantage of local trains, they are somehow pulling on. But everyday there are a number of deaths due to one reason or the other. Now, people have one more option, of using cabs or pool cabs rather than taking out their own vehicles. Today, OLA or Uber and many other cab services are easily available, just a click away on your phone. And in Ola or Uber they have started Pool cabs also, which is one step ahead in reducing pollution and traffic. For example, If four people take their own cars on the road for office, it will cause far more traffic than four people travelling in a pool cab. Surely, it would help mitigating the  problems of pollution and traffic.

Other solution can be same as what Delhi has started following. Odd and even concept which definitely helps to control traffic and pollution. 

Many organizations in Mumbai can also contribute in controlling the traffic by changing their office timing by department wise. So, when all people will not have to leave their home at the same time, less number of people will come out on the road at a particular time. This will definitely help to control traffic.

But whatever solutions have been discussed above can only help when we are organized and disciplined. So until and unless we start following rules with proper driving sense, nothing is going to help to resolve this dire issue. For corruption also we are the ones who are encouraging these practices. So if we stop giving bribe to traffic police, then they are bound to be more efficient in their role. So, we have to first help ourselves and then we can help Mumbai to handle traffic issue.

Thanks for reading,

Thursday, 12 October 2017

The Bhagavad Gita Talks 18

The Bhagavad Gita is the ultimate book of knowledge and is duly recognized as such throughout the world. Its wisdom transcends the limits of time and space. I publish daily one message from the book which can be related to our daily life titled: Thought4TheDay

These are widely read and highly appreciated by my connections on LinkedIn, friends on Facebook and followers on twitter totally about 27000 people. As recommended by some friends, I am posting the same here. You may ask questions and/or post your comments which be appreciated. Hope you will find the initiative very rewarding.  

Thought4TheDay (11.10.2017) 

Yesterday, we had seen that according to The Bhagavad Gita the three inherent Gunas or tendencies that determine our actions are: satava, Rajas & tamas. We had also observed how ea ch of these manifests itself in our activities. The first thing that we must do is to understand that at any moment which of these three gunas it tendencies are dominant. Tamas should not be allowed to become me prominent in any case.
Our goals, when these are to achieve some worldly possessions will require conscious, committed actions which we must perform as a duty if we seriously want to achieve our goals. Since these gunas or tendencies are never mutually exclusive, we need to ensure that along with our commitment to following the plan of action, we need to take care that the attributes of satava are always present in our hard-work for any achievement. 

Our realistic goals will also give us satisfaction in the highly competitive world today; satisfaction of working for the growing needs of our family members. Besides, they r more likely to adopt our path and the togetherness will bring peace in the family. In any case, materialistic goals should never be allowed to turn into greed.

Thought4TheDay (10.10.2017) 

According to The Bhagavad Gita, our actions are triggered and happen due to three categories of the 'gunas' or inherant tendencies. These tendencies and their attributes are as under: 

1. Satava which augments quest for knowledge. One starts pursuit of understanding life, accepting as it is. Wisdom is gained to devote time and effort to do our duty for the growth and progress of society. One is happy with himself/herself and lives a significant life peacefully. 

2. Rajas makes one ambitious. Such endeavors are undertaken which may win worldly possessions, power and reputation. One wants to dominate others, and become an authority. Hyper activity, being in a hurry pervades the life. Excitement over achievements and anguish over failures rule life. 

3. Tamas makes one lazy, inactive and inert. He/she loses interest in life and languish listlessly; loss of any initiative, wasteful activities come to the fore. The person procrastinates on everything. It's almost getting into hibernation without any need and/or possible benefits. In short, one loses self-esteem altogether and becomes good for nothing. (to be continued)

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The Bhagavad Gita Talks 17

The Bhagavad Gita is the ultimate book of knowledge and is duly recognized as such throughout the world. Its wisdom transcends the limits of time and space. I publish daily one message from the book which can be related to our daily life titled: Thought4TheDay
These are widely read and highly appreciated by my connections on LinkedIn, friends on Facebook and followers on twitter totally about 27000 people. As recommended by some friends, I am posting the same here. You may ask questions and/or post your comments which be appreciated. Hope you will find the initiative very rewarding.  

Thought4TheDay (09.10.2017) 

The dialogue between the Lord Almighty, Krishna, and Arjuna sets an example of perfect communication. Krishna tries to explain meaning of life, importance of understanding one's duty and devotedly performing the same in simple language. However, due to complexity of the subject, Arjuna is not able to grasp and assimilate many things. In such situations, even knowing fully well that Krishna is God Almighty, Arjuna questions the Ideas propounded by the Lord. He does not accept everything without understanding, without talking about his personal difficulties in respect of views, advice or direction. 

Their frank and free dialogue teaches us the importance of assertiveness. Assertiveness, among other things, also means that never say 'yes' if you need or want to say 'no'. But we must know how to say 'no'. By and large people hesitate in doing so. The result is that either they slog and suffer or they prove themselves to be unreliable. Lack of ability to be assertive on the part of the employees and unclear and poor communications cause immense loss to the organisations. At home this inadequacy plays havoc in the family relationships.

Thought4The Day (08.10.2017) 

Lord Krishna said, "I had imparted knowledge about the traditional yoga to the sun Lord Surya. He had communicated the same to his son Vivasvan Manu who in turn taught the same to his son Ikshvaku".

 " In this manner descending from the old traditions, this yoga became known to the kings and the saints. But after that, for a long time, this yoga had gone to the oblivion and vanished from the are my disciple, my devotee and my dear friend. Therefore, I have explained the yoga (knowledge) to you." 

Arjun asked the Lord how is it possible when He is born now, whereas Surya was born ages ago. Then, Lord Krishna explains about the repetitive births of the soul and that while He remembers, Arjuna does not, as the later is an ordinary human being."
We observe that Arjuna asks Lord the Almighty anything that he doesn't understand without any hesitation. But, today, we commoners hesitate to ask questions to the Gurus and our bosses even when we do not understand. This results in fallacious knowledge and the consequent avoidable problems.

Please share this post with your friends for greater awareness, should you like it. Thanks.

Saturday, 7 October 2017

The Bhagavad Gita Talks 16

The Bhagavad Gita is the ultimate book of knowledge and is duly recognized as such throughout the world. Its wisdom transcends the limits of time and space. I publish daily one message from the book which can be related to our daily life titled: Thought4TheDay

These are widely read and highly appreciated by my connections on LinkedIn, friends on Facebook and followers on twitter totally about 27000 people. As recommended by some friends, I am posting the same here. You may ask questions and/or post your comments which be appreciated. Hope you will find the initiative very rewarding.  

Thought4TheDay (07.10.2017) 

In literature, verisimilitude denotes semblance of reality. Great authors are adept in creating verisimilitude to heighten the effect of storytelling. 

The fact is that this reality itself is an illusion- maya created by the Almighty. In this illusory world, people become bound by this maya. They keep on playing their roles without realising what they are up to, without stopping to think, who am I, what I am doing or what is my goal. 

Therefore, knowledge is given such an elevated status. Knowledge enables you to see through this maya. Knowledge brings the realisation that accumulating worldly possessions is of little gain if the person has to trade his personal peace to achieve these. 

The knowledgeable know this deeply. He/she carries out their duty in an unattached fashion and lives life accordingly. But the knowledgeable is advised by the Almighty Himself not to disrupt people of lesser wisdom who remain engaged in performance of their duty for material gains. 

Nevertheless, they too contribute to the growth of human society, humanity at large.

Thought4TheDay (06.10.2017) 

There are certain wrong impressions about the core message of The Bhagavad Gita. It's often believed that according to the great book of knowledge an individual has the obligation to perform his duty. But he or she has no right over the fruit or the result of their efforts. It's a myth. When you perform your duty wholeheartedly, the results are bound to be good, and these are all yours. The core message of The Bhagavad Gita is that we should not be attached with the results. We should not keep on looking at the desired fruits of our efforts. 

Things don't happen the way we have planned. When we keep expecting the fruit or fulfilling of the personal interests, the quality of our efforts will be affected. In fact, that is shortsightedness. It leads to, or is the root cause of corruption. We start taking shortcuts. We want to become rich overnight. One thing leads to another. Greed grows. The final result is disastrous. 

Making efforts as your duty demands, without attachment, would mean that we remain unperturbed because of the on the job rebuffs. We will keep following the right path. Achievement will surely come in proper time. So, a feeling that we have no right over the fruits of efforts is fallacious.

Please share this post with your friends for greater awareness, should you like it. Thanks.

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