Wednesday, 4 October 2017

The Bhagavad Gita Talks 11

The Bhagavad Gita is the ultimate book of knowledge and is duly recognized as such throughout the world. Its wisdom transcends the limits of time and space. I publish daily one message from the book which can be related to our daily life titled: Thought4TheDay

These are widely read and highly appreciated by my connections on LinkedIn, friends on Facebook and followers on twitter totally about 27000 people. As recommended by some friends, I am posting the same here. You may ask questions and/or post your comments which be appreciated. Hope you will find the initiative very rewarding. 

Thought4TheDay (27.09.2017)

“The 'yogabhrasht' person, who has lost his way, is propelled by previous practices, in his next birth. He is instinctively attracted towards the Almighty. Such a seeker of the yoga of constant attitude, and stable mind, transcends the ill-effects of 'sakam purush' (man with some desire for the fruit of his deeds or those done with selfish motives). 

“But the yogi, who is an unattached practitioner, and is making the best of efforts, is empowered with the force and direction of the previous births. He becomes free from sins during the current birth. He, soon, achieves salvation.” 

“A yogi is superior to a tapasvi (hermit). He is also superior to the wise persons who have Knowledge of the shastras (sacred books). He is undoubtedly better than those knowledgeable persons who perform their deeds with selfish ends in mind. Therefore, Arjuna, you must become a yogi.”

Accordingly, a unattached person engaged with his work wholeheartedly, is at peace with himself. Even with better productivity, he remains without stress. But when we look for profit in every small thing that we may do, in fact, we become losers, under stress. We are anxious to ensure that our selfish interests are achieved. But life does not offer 'poetic justice'.

Thought4TheDay (26.09.2017)

Arjuna said: " Shree Krishna, what happens to the person who has devotion towards yoga, but is not disciplined enough and whose mind drifts away from yoga, and, who is not in a position to achieve the state of self-realisation? What is his state?" 

"A seeker who is lost from the path of the Almighty; what happens to him? Defeated from both the sides, does he end up in disaster?" 

The Lord Almighty said, "Arjuna, such a person is neither ruined in this world nor after his death. He who follows the path of salvation of the soul, of realising the Almighty is never degraded."

" The unfulfilled person reaches the abode of the noble and the virtuous, and after residing there for many long years, is born again in the families of respectable people who follow the path of purity."

Thus, efforts with good intentions and earnest efforts are never wasted. The enterprise may not achieve the planned goals, but it will result in making the entrepreneur realise that each failure is a step towards the final success. So he never gives up!

Please share this post with your friends for greater awareness, should you like it. Thanks.

The Bhagavad Gita Talks 10

The Bhagavad Gita is the ultimate book of knowledge and is duly recognized as such throughout the world. Its wisdom transcends the limits of time and space. I publish daily one message from the book which can be related to our daily life titled: Thought4TheDay

These are widely read and highly appreciated by my connections on LinkedIn, friends on Facebook and followers on twitter totally about 27000 people. As recommended by some friends, I am posting the same here. You may ask questions and/or post your comments which be appreciated. Hope you will find the initiative very rewarding. 

Thought4The Day(25.09.2017) 

Arjuna said, "Yoga which you have defined, as maintaining the steady state of the mind amidst diverse situations, due to the fickle nature of the mind, is very difficult to achieve.” 

"Mind is extremely capricious and obstinate. Therefore I consider controlling the mind is as difficult as stopping the wind.”

 Lord Almighty said; “There is no doubt that the mind is extremely fickle and difficult to control, but with continuous practice of unattachment and constant efforts, it can come under control.” 

“For the person who is unable to control his mind, yoga is unachievable, but the person who has controlled his mind, can attain yoga easily. This is my considered opinion.”
Making decisions under challenging circumstances is extremely difficult but critical. Unless we keep our mind in control, it is very difficult not to be led in negative emotions which poorly reflect in our decisions. Procrastination is the worst enemy of someone who wants to progress. If the mind is not stable and resolute, procrastination is likely to overpower. But with continuous practice, one can achieve the stability of mind which is one of the most desirable assets in the management principles.

Thought4The Day (24.09.2017) 

“The yoga, which eradicates unhappiness altogether can be achieved only by someone who eats what is necessary and sleeps or keeps awake only as required by the body, He carries out only such actions as his duty demands.” 

“When the mind, which is in complete control stabilises in the meditation of the Alminghty, when there remains no animal desire to enjoy wordly objects, it is said, that is the status of the person who becomes a yogi and is unaffected by all wordly affairs.”
“Just as in a place, where there is a lamp that does not flicker, because there is no wind that can disturb the placidness of the flame, the same simile applies to a yogi engaged in meditation about the Almighty. His concentration is never affected. His peace is never disturbed." 

When we look at life we find the principle true and relevant to a aspects of life. Now, what is the principle, and how does it help?
The principle of putting your mind and soul in what you are doing. In way we start enjoying what we do. Needless to say that productivity is improved and it brings satisfaction. 

One may think of any situation, the result will be the same: Excellent! Do you agree?

Please share this post with your friends for greater awareness, should you like it. Thanks.

The Bhagavad Gita Talks 9

The Bhagavad Gita is the ultimate book of knowledge and is duly recognized as such throughout the world. Its wisdom transcends the limits of time and space. I publish daily one message from the book which can be related to our daily life titled: Thought4TheDay

These are widely read and highly appreciated by my connections on LinkedIn, friends on Facebook and followers on twitter totally about 27000 people. As recommended by some friends, I am posting the same here. You may ask questions and/or post your comments which be appreciated. Hope you will find the initiative very rewarding. 

Thought4TheDay (23.09.2017) 

“The person whose likes and dislikes are replaced with wisdom and science, whose intentions are beyond any blemishes, who has thoroughly conquered his senses, and for whom dust, stone and gold are all alike; it is said such a yogi (ascetic) is complete and is on the right path or in other words, he has realized God.” “He is the purest and most worthy among human beings. He is unselfish and interested in the good of everyone. He does not distinguish between friend and foe. He treats alike, the virtous and the sinners.” 

“The person who keeps complete control over his body including his senses and his mind, he who does not live on vain hopes and is free from greed is a yogi. He should often seek a solitary place and meditate continuously with his devoted mind about the marvels of the Almighty.” 

If we spend sometime daily on contemplating what has been said above life would peaceful and stress free.

I request all friends to share these words of Lord Krishna for benefit of others.

Thought4TheDay (22. 09.2017) 

"The person who has controlled his mind, and gets endowed with the purity of thoughts, his 'atma' (soul) is no less than Almighty, as he is the embodiment of atma in all beings; Such a karamyogi carries on performing his duties without attachment"
"The man of wisdom, Sankhyayogi; when he touches or when he smells; when he speaks or he listens; when he eats or walks or sleeps or breathes; when he relinquishes or receives, and even when he closes his eyes or opens them, when he walks or sits, considers that all his senses carry on with their functions. He thinks that he, in fact, is not doing anything whatsoever." 

Thus the person who has dedicated all his actions to the Almighty (society, or humanity at large) gets rid of attachments of all kinds and performs his duty peacefully. He is like a lotus flower in muddy waters and doesn't get affected by sins of any kind. When the focus is just on doing what you are doing, the performance would be at par excellence,undoubtedly.

Please share this post with your friends for greater awareness, should you like it. Thanks.

The Bhagavad Gita Talks 8

The Bhagavad Gita is the ultimate book of knowledge and is duly recognized as such throughout the world. Its wisdom transcends the limits of time and space. I publish daily one message from the book which can be related to our daily life titled: Thought4TheDay

These are widely read and highly appreciated by my connections on LinkedIn, friends on Facebook and followers on twitter totally about 27000 people. As recommended by some friends, I am posting the same here. You may ask questions and/or post your comments which be appreciated. Hope you will find the initiative very rewarding.   

Thought4TheDay (21.9.2017)

"The person who has controlled his mind, and gets endowed with the purity of thoughts, his 'atma' (soul) is no less than Almighty, as he is the embodiment of atma in all beings; Such a karamyogi carries on performing his duties without attachment".

"The man of wisdom, Sankhyayogi; when he touches or when he smells; when he speaks or he listens; when he eats or walks or sleeps or breathes; when he relinquishes or receives, and even when he closes his eyes or opens them, when he walks or sits, considers that all his senses carry on with their functions. He thinks that he, in fact, is not doing anything whatsoever."

Thus the person who has dedicated all his actions to the Almighty (society, or humanity at large) gets rid of attachments of all kinds and performs his duty peacefully. He is like a lotus flower in muddy waters and doesn't get affected by sins of any kind. When the focus is just on doing what you are doing, the performance would be at par excellence,undoubtedly.

Thought4TheDay (20.9.2017)

A man is his own enemy or he can be his own friend. The difference happens according to his ability to give himself a direction befitting someone who wants to understand his higher self. Or he is just swayed by the wayward actions of his body due to inability to control mind and senses. Even when he knows that temptations are not good for him, yet he is compulsively drawn towards these sensory gratifications due to lack of self control. In such circumstances, the man is his own enemy.

The person who bears no agitation or attachment in pleasure or in pain, in summer or in rain or winter, in fact, pursues the right path of life. He is not affected by respect or disrespect by others due to their own lack of understanding of life. Such a person is his own friend.

His 'atma' (soul) has attained self realised freedom, and his mind is always creatively engaged in the Almighty. His wisdom teaches him that nothing is really as important as Almighty, the Lord.

Please share this post with your friends for greater awareness, should you like it. Thanks.

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