Three simple
but rather uncommon words. Three great words not only for the public speakers but for
everyone, according to me.
Today, I’ll
talk about ‘Ethos’
What is Ethos?
It reflects your credentials. I explain to my students like this. “Imagine that
you are appointed Ambassador of your country to another state. The first job
that you have to do is to present your authorization documents to the head of
the state in which you are appointed Ambassador. Likewise, a speaker must
present his/her credentials to the audience. The audience must know that you
are the right person to speak on the subject. That you not only have the
required qualification and knowledge to speak on the subject but also desire
and enthusiasm to benefit the audience. This is about public speaking. But everyone
is not a public speakers, you might argue.
Just to
explain further, I’ll ask you a question. Suppose, you have to make an
important phone call. Is it not necessary for the person to know that you are
the right person, that you know what you are talking about and you have done
your ‘home work’ before lifting the telephone. It’s only about forming a habit.
Depending on what you are speaking about and to whom, it may take only a few
seconds to reflect and then only you should make the call.
And please
don’t forget to remember Aristotle for he was the first to describ these three
words ‘Ethos, Pathos, and Logos’ which can bring about a great change in our