Monday, 2 December 2013

Who Drives your Life?

You might say that the subject is a misnomer. Since it is your life, you only drive it. However, it is not always so. You continue to do certain things by force of your habit. And your habits are formed over a long period of time. Now, consider these questions. Do you always do what you want to? Even when you have possibility to choose, do you always make a choice as per your liking? If not. Why not?

Most of us take decisions because of our considerations towards various other people. A husband may not like to do something, may not like to go to expensive places for eating out, may not like to spend too much money on fashionable clothes, and yet he does so because his wife likes these things. So, in this case, wife is the driver of husband’s life.

Conversely a wife may not like to do certain things but she has to because of the wishes of her husband. This is so in most of the house-holds in Indian villages and is also true among many families in urban India.
Let’s take another example. Anyone working in an office has to perform his/her duty. It is understandable. But how often he finds that the senior dictates the way in which a particular task has to be performed by the junior. People who are not assertive tend to follow others thinking that they are destined to do so. In these cases also, they are not themselves driving their life. Some other people do.
Let’s, now take an example of a different kind. An individual have a passion for making money. He doesn’t want to do anything where there is no possibility of profit in terms of money. Here greed is the driver of his/her life. Many a lives are ruined because of greed. At times, people may realize that it is not right. And yet, all their actions are driven by the unstoppable force of greed. Obviously, here greed is the driver.
Obsession with religion could be yet another strong force in a person’s life. There is no doubt that religion plays an important role in keeping the individual on the right track, socially and spiritually, yet an obsession with religion may create an un-called for problems in his/her domestic life.
The worst situation is when the person is obsessed with the pursuit of pleasure. Pleasure is not happiness. Its definition could be different for different people. But pleasure seekers mostly end up in achieving nothing. All bad habits take charge of the person only when pleasure seeking becomes a form of mania.

It’s a worthy exercise to stop and think who the driver of your life is, contemplate on significance of life and take full control of your own life for achieving your goals.

I invite you to add comments on the views expressed.

Thanking you for reading.


The Great Sufi Singer Reshma

Reshma was born in Bikaner, India in 1947. Later her family shifted to Pakistan. She belonged to a Gypsy  family. They keep on moving from one place to another doing odd jobs and entertaining themselves with folk music and dance.

Reshma was spotted for her talent by Pakistani Television producer when she was 12 years old. He organized her appearance from television and performance from Radio. Instantly she became very popular.

As most Folks singers are, the forte of Reshma lies in her depth of her voice. Unlike others she was very articulate listening to her songs one can really discover the spirituality of the #Sufi singers.
One of her songs was used by RajKapoor "Ankhyon ko rehne de ankhyon ke aas pass” she became so popular in India that she was invited to perform in Mumbai. Her perform one accolades her real popularity in India viewed with the song “Lambi Judai” which the famous filmmaker Subhas Ghai made her sing for his film Hero.

“Dama Damm Mast kalandar” was also sang by Bangladesi singer Runa Laila , while there is big difference while Runa laila’s interpretation also became very popular  but it did not have any tings of Sufi  singing. So when Reshma sings the same song it gives a totally different experience.

Thank you.


Great Loss to Lovers of Soulful Music

During the past few days two great singers of this sub-continent have passed away. Manna Dey the great Indian singer passed away in Banglore and great sufi singer Reshma who was born in India too passed away in Pakistan.

A humble tribute to Manna Dey 

Manna Dey, who had a very long stint of singing film songs and non film songs was perhaps the most versatile singer of the Indian film industry.  Listening to his songs, I feel that the recognition and respect due to him was not aptly granted.  Among the modern Indian singers Manna Dey’s was second only to Mohammad Raffi. But he was not given as many songs as some of his contemporary singers.
When Manna Dey came to sing his first song – ‘Upar Gagan Vishal’, he was only 18 years old. The producer of the movie asked the music director how can this young lad sing a song so replete with lofty meaning. The music director was confident of Manna’s ability and convinced the producer. The song became one of the greatest hit of that time.

Both myself and my wife have been ardent fans of Manna Dey. A couple of years ago, we came across an ad.  in the newspaper about the performance of Manna Dey’s songs. The adv was not very clear about the performance whether Manna Dey himself will sing his songs or some other singer. Yet we had gone to the concert. It was good but the singers were no match. However, a few days later, a big adv appeared that Manna Dey himself will perform. How could we miss the opportunity. I must say it was one of the greatest performances I had ever attended. More than ninety years old singer sang with great gusto and enthusiasm continuously for three hours. It was amazing. The hall was packed and Manna Dey received a standing ovation. Audience clapped and clapped for a very long time. Probably this was his last live performance.
I have selected five of his great numbers from the youtube. It will be a befitting tribute to a great singer if you all view these videos and listen to the soulful music of Manna Dey who is no more.
Na to karvan ki talash hai...
Aye bhai zara dekh ke chalo...

In my next post I will talk about Reshma.

Thank you.


Mark Twain
Mark Twain
Mark Twain was a unique American writer. One cannot find another writer who could laugh at the stark realities of life and who could succinctly identify the irony so very dominant in our lives.
He once said, “If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man. ”
It is ironic that the man who has evolved so much, who is civilized and educated over the centuries when compared to a dog miserably falls short of the quality of loyalty, which is so clearly visible in the pet animal.
But, in the fast changing world concepts change. The big question is that for leading a happy, progressive life which are the principles that transcend the limits of time and space. What are the principles that we must stick to even today? What are the principles that need to be discarded or modified?
Thus, our story of the dog and the man brings us to the core question about ‘loyalty’ and its importance today. I seek your participation to review the virtue of ‘loyalty’ in the present environment.
Choose one of the four:
  1. Loyalty to country
  2. Loyalty to the organization you look for
  3. Loyalty to the spouse
  4. None at all
Please take a few moments to participate in our poll on our face book page

Symptoms of Malefic Effects of Shani Dev

Shani Yantra

Today, I shall talk to you about what are the indications, according to our scriptures, when malefic influence of Shani Dev appears. How does it affect you and your life? The same are briefly stated as below:
  1. You are leading your life in a normal way. You face usual difficult and you also achieve accomplishment to your hard work and in application of mind. But suddenly you fight some strength negative thoughts of confusion keep on troubling you. You start getting angry with your near and near once often with little or no reason.  Unnecessarily you start arguing on small issues which does not happen to be your normal nature. In some circumstances you need to become alert these comprise symbol Shani Dev malefic influence.
  2.  In a family, the lady of the house shows similar symptoms and you are unable to understand what has gone wrong. Why this sudden change? The lady is not to be blamed. Again, this is another symptom of ‘Shani Disha’. Whether it is man or a lady, the negative emotions like too much envy, jealousy, anger to unbelievable extent, inability to concentrate on any important task- these are also symptoms of Shani Dev’s malefic influence.
  3. At times, the problem manifests itself in some long drown disease.  Hurts from sudden fall, accident and the like and consequent suffering are other indications.
  4. If the spouses find that suddenly their behavior with one another has undergone a drastic change for the worse. It could yet be another indication.
  5. Continuous financial losses which are surprising and unexplained also show Shani’s bad influence.
  6. Sometimes, along with various problems lines on your hands become darkish and so do your nails. This is another indication.
  7.  Yet another Symptom comes in the form- someone in the extended family is attacked by disease or even sudden death. The loss affects you very badly in your personality, conduct and work.
These are indications as explained in our scriptures. As I said in the preceding post, Shani Dev delivers justice to the humanity. He rewards the human beings for their good deeds. Likewise the wrong doing are reprimanded.
Often suffers are advised to conduct special Pooja to reduce the malefic influence of Lord Shani Dev.
Symptoms of Malefic influences of ‘Shani Dev’

Shani Dev in His Chariot

In Hindu tradition, Lord Shani is considered as chief of all planets. He is considered extremely hostile and full of anger. Those who believe in astrology are afraid of ‘Shani Saad Sati’ or seven and a half years of malefic influence of Shani Dev.

Once Mata Laxmi ( Godess of Wealth) asked Shani Dev, “I grant fortune and wealth to my devotees. But you destroy it. More than wealth you destroy the ‘Peace of Mind’ of the human beings. They are mortally afraid of you. Why do you do that?”

Lord Shani respectfully answered,’ Mateshwari ( Mother), I have been appointed as the ‘Chief Justice’ of Humanity. Just as Yama grants ‘Death’ to human beings, I grant justice to these individuals according to their ‘Karma’ (wrong doings or good deeds). The lord Almighty Bhagwan Shankar has given me the task of evaluating the good and bad deeds of human beings and grant them reward or punishment according to what they deserve. Therefore, I humbly submit to you Mata Laxmi that it is only the lack of understanding on the part of human beings that I am blamed. People are afraid of even my name. I am just performing the duty accorded to me by Lord Shanker ( Mahadev). Further, said Lord Shani, “Some people out of their personal greed and desire to live a luxurious life carry out misdeeds, cause harm to their fellow human beings and engage in other nefarious activities. It is my duty that they are punished accordingly.” Shani dev continued, “but Mata, I also bestow great rewards on those who are engaged in welfare activities of mankind, who reach out to those in difficulties and help them. These great souls receive health, wealth, happy family and all other great pleasures not only in this life but many others that follow.  Mata, it is only as per my judgment they are punished or rewarded.”
 Shani Shinganapur Temple. It is located in the village Shani Singanapur. The village is in Ahmadnagar district of Maharashtra. Devotees from all over the country visit the temple to receive the blessings of Shani Dev. Shingnapur is also famous for the fact that no house in the village has doors. There are only door frames. No theft is ever reported in the village.

In my nest posting, I shall talk about how to identify when lord Shani’s malefic influence starts and also what needs to be done to mitigate the malefic influence of Lord Shani.

How do you manage your Time?

Time Management
Time Management
I had written a poem on time some time back. I repeat some of the lines of the poems to my students to find the message deserving careful consideration. The same lines are repeated:
Value of time is often little known:
For time’s inherent wealth scanty respect is shown.
Any other possession if you happen to lose
you can hope to get it back If you choose.
Wealth of time will never return
Simple lesson though many of us don’t ever learn.
Every moment of time you must use
to achieve anything, you may choose.
 In the changing environment I think Time and its proper use have become critical. Fat salaries for corporate CEO’s require harsher targets for the team to achieve. Undoubtedly, this creates great pressure on him. He tends to lose the simple joys of life like quiet reflection in the morning besides yoga or exercise, spending quality time with his family and pursuing at least one hobby seriously that he loves the most.
The good thing for the CEO is that today he/she cannot be fooled by just sweet words or clever flattery.  Performance appraisal is based on the real time strategic figures which are computed instantly.

Therefore it is necessary for each one of us to do the following:
  1. Prepare the time log
  2.  Work out our priorities each day
  3. Use time planners
  4. Think positively and always put our plan into action.
  5. Each day the tasks can be categorized as under:
  • Group 1: Routine tasks
  • Group 2: Ongoing projects
  • Group 3: Planning and development
Ideally, the maximum time of about 50-60% should be allocated to Group 3 activities. Group 2 activities deserve 25% and Group 1 just 15 %. However in practice we find there we consume 60% of our time in routine jobs, 25% on ongoing projects and just 15% on group 3 i.e. planning and development.
Just give it a serious thought and try to make best use of your time which never comes back. You must spend some quality time with your family.

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